Thursday, April 25, 2013

How much do you know about yourself???

How often do you sit back and blankly stare into a wall to think back about your choices or just about yourself?? Not many of us do that but sometimes, it's all about self realization and the joy it brings with it.

Many a time, this self realization happens after you've been hit on the head by life on one of the crucial decisions you've made and disappointments follow.Well, it's easier to do it yourself than to wait for life to tell you that!!

From a choice as small as what clothes you wear, to a decision as big as your career, life gives you an option to choose otherwise. Don't like what you're wearing?? Go back and change!! Don't think twice. As simple as that!!But think, just think once before you make that choice to know if it's worth it!! It can do wonders.

Sometimes, I like a quiet time with my cup of coffee, just to sit down and think of all the things that have happened in life and how I could've changed it for the better or worse.And I should say, it has made a big difference in life for me.Everyday, there is atleast one person coming up to me to ask how I manage doing so many things at once and I always reply with a smile to say I love doing everything I do.That's what life is about isn't it? 

Learn more about yourself to make you a better person.Self realization however late, is always a good thing.
If you realize you're already an amazing person, I guess all that's left to do is to know how humble you can be and if you realize you've not been the best of people, it's time to improve yourself!!

There's a famous saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade", I say, make the lemonade and taste it to know if you can add more sugar to it.. ;)

Keep Smiling.. :)


shaarika said...

i wish we bought lemons from the same store!!!:)

Unknown said...

Hey hey.. look who's reading my blog.. *hugs*

Aarti said...

This is one of the reasons I started travelling solo.. I love being on my own and spending time with myself.. :))

Lovely to see u blogging beyond reviews

Unknown said...

Thanks Aarti.. I draw inspiration from people like you.. :)