Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My guardian angel!!

That curly hair,  the tiny feet, the dimpled smile, that annoying shriek,
Came into my life this little freak,
Who now holds my world without a creek.

You held my hand, you hid behind my skirt, You refused to play with anything but dirt.
You smiled with unparalleled innocence,
You still made me very tense.

The joy you brought was one that couldn't be bought,
You made me proud and swell and at times, Made me lose patience and yell.

You set the bar high for any man in my life,
Because you're the charm, the wise.
You love without hesitation and yet,
You know exactly what you get.

Little did I know that one day you'd grow,
To tell me that life wasn't just a show.
I may be older but when I'm upset, I crave for the strength of your shoulder.

O my angel, my guardian angel, thank you for being there when I needed you most.
Times may change, the world might be strange, but my love for you will never be lost.


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